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  • Sick policy: 

    • Please do not bring a sick child to the center. A child showing symptoms of illness will not be allowed until their symptoms clear. 

      • Symptoms include:

        • Fever of 99.9 degrees or higher. A child needs to be fever free for a minimum of 24 hours before returning to school. Fever free without the aid of Tylenol®, or any other fever reducing substance.

        • Frequent scratching of body or scalp, lice, rash, or any other spots that resemble illness such as chicken pox, ringworm, or hand foot and mouth. 

        • Diarrhea: runny, watery, bloody stools, or 2 or more loose stools within last 4 hours

        • Breathing trouble, sore throat, swollen glands, loss of voice, hacking or continuous coughing.

        • Child is irritable, continuously crying, or requires more attention than we can provide without hurting the health, safety or well-being of the other children in our care

      • Please do not bring a child if parents are sick. Sick parents result in sick kids. To reduce the spread of illness please stay home if children or parents are showing any ill symptoms

  • Travel Policy:

    • Travel includes planes, trains, and amusment parks. 

      • If either parents, children, or siblings travel, they will not be permitted at Discovery grounds day care for three  days after travel and remain symptom- free. On the fourth day if symptom-free children may come back to school. I want to eliminate the spread of illness as much as possible.

  • Biting Policy:

    • All incidents of biting will require an incident report. Communication with the parents will be on a daily basis. 

    • The purpose of developing a plan for the child will help consider circumstances that led up to the incident. The needs of both the child biting and the child bitten will be considered.

    • Daily evaluation will be documented on any child that exhibits biting behavior.

    • If a child continues to bite, the child will be withdrawn from the center and can be invited back once the child has matured and grown past the biting phase.

  • Health records and Immunizations:

    • All children are required to have a completed physician’s examination form, a physical exam, and all immunizations up to date at the time of enrollment. Children's records will be locked in a file cabinet; however when being reviewed for relicensing, the licensing representative has access to the files that are required by the state. These forms would include but are not limited to child enrollment, medical forms, and special instruction plans for allergies.

  • Immunizations required by the state of California are the following:

    • Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib meningitis)

    • DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis/whooping cough)

    • MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)

    • Polio

    • Hepatitis B

    • Varicella (chickenpox)

      • A child can be exempt from the required shots only because of her or his physical condition or medical circumstances. California no longer allows exemptions based on religious or personal beliefs.

      • State policy for vaccines is that we strongly encourage parents to be vaccinated against covid 19, however, we respect those who chose not to. The best we can do is take steps to prevent the spread found in policies


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